The one where the F.R.I.E.N.D.S finally reunited

Waking up to Jennifer Aniston's post on Instagram stating " It's happening" I jumped in inexplicable joy! ' Could I BE anymore happier!!' A reunion is all that I wanted for years. A reunion is all that we wanted for years. Right?

A 1994 magic of 10 seasons that still hasn't lost its spell on making us genuinely laugh our lungs out making us fall in love with each of the characters to the fullest is coming back! I have been binge-watching the series, again and again, now that I have lost count on how many times I have gasped, each time like the very first when Ross said: "I, Ross, take thee, Rachel", breaking Emiley's heart!

Be it Chandler's touches of sarcasm, Joey's love for food, Monica's perfection and tidiness, Phoebe's iconic songs,  Rachel's eye for fashion, Ross being the divorce force or the lover of elderly or even better the Mother kisser 🤣! There were many things to learn from them and we did learn a hell lot of things from them! Didn't we??

To live life happily the way it is without compromising who you are and to be there for the ones who are there for you!

To be a hat even if the rest of the world wants you to be a shoe!

To be a man and stop calling the girl you played around with! (Well, not recommended)

To believe in love and find each other's lobsters.

Should I not mention Chandler's lessons from Monica and why 'Seven' become the favourite number for a lot of people out there?

Smelly cat has been everyone's favourite pop song, Phoebe did deserve a Grammy for it! Her weirdness and casual cool attitude towards her past, which anyone else would have died crying, make her a sassy queen, her sexy voice during cold, her void relationship with her twin sister Ursula, her playfulness make her quite a naughty little lovable kid! Yet those words of her's while parting with her triplets showed us a different side of Phoebe! Phoebe who cries, who feels pain, Careless Phoebe who actually cares!
If Princess Banana hammock could find her Crap bag, then let me tell you to hold on to your weirdness. Only then you will find YOUR weirdo!

Though it is 'Smelly Cat ' that deserves a Grammy, it is 'Little Black Hair' that stole my heart!
Comment down which is your favourite from Phoebe's list of songs.

There could be a million reasons why you love Joey and chandler's special bond! The bromance is so strong that joey had his own 'Joey room' in Monica-Chandler's new home in  Westchester County, New York. Such pure friendship is a blessing! Joey could get his girl(s) with his sexy voice and impish grin at  'Hey, how you doin' ? ' but Chandler had to go through some Janice before Joey had his 'in London'  shock and Phoebe screamed 'My eyes, my eyes'. Their innocence and playfulness got us all into their world, where we found catharsis from our boring life of depression and loneliness in  Joey's silly acts and  Chandler's retort with sarcastic comments.

There are n- number of events where F.R.I.E.N.D.S made us all boisterously cachinnate, and when it was the final goodbye where they all left the keys behind at Monica's apartment we did cry  (at least didn't your eyes go moist?  You stone-hearted un-cryable -person!!) A lot of us found happiness through clicking the replay button. We made jokes with our friends with reference from F.R.I.E.N.D.S.
And we kept the 1994 David Crane and Marta Kauffman's creation alive till date!

May 6, 2008, was the end of an era! 

Is Joey still backpacking across western Europe? , Are Ross and Rachel on a break again? , What's up with Chandler & Monica 's kids? Is their parenting skills good enough?, Did Phoebe come up with Smelly cat version 2.0 or is she pregnant with mini- crap bag?

I hope we are gonna get answered for all our queries as the unexpected yet much-anticipated reunion of this epic 9O's sitcom has been officially announced to be streamed on HBO Max when it launches in May.

Could 2020 be any better?

Get ready for another round of coffee from the Central  Perk.
The F.R.I.E.N.D.S is back!!

Who is your favourite cast? Which incident from FRIENDS makes you still laugh like a little child?
Comment down below and let us all smile together!


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