Gender Stereotypes around the colour 'PINK'

Is your Gender Pink in colour?

Pink has been the comic sans of colours for a long time. A colour associated with everything not so serious and yet so fun. Pink being a strong and vibrant colour has been associated with boys for a long time. The carefreeness, the dominance, the freedom to play around yet not to be blamed is the personality of any boy, or can we say the hue pink?
So when did pink became a colour for girls? When did the colour blue, the colour which stands for caring, honesty, delicate and dainty, and everything we associate with femininity became the colour for boys? Or is there all just in our minds or a stereotypical vaccine that we inject in the fresh minds of kids who didn’t know that we hypocrites have gender-differentiated colours too.

Let’s now look at what the youngsters of NIFT Kannur think about this! Breathing the air of fashion around, are their opinions on the colour pink stereotypical or not? 

Students of NIFT, Kannur did have mixed opinions. But the beauty is in the fact that most boys do like pink than girls here!
For some reason, their opinions did contradict my personal thoughts on pink which I brought to you in my blog before. It's funny how this world is run by stereotypical thoughts and gender differentiating everything that's seen and felt.

This reminds me of the difficult time I had while learning the language Hindi where curd, milk, water, oil, coal are pulling (masculine) and names of languages, scripts and books are sthriling (feminine). These had exceptions too. I still can't differentiate most of it and thus can hardly speak the language.No, I have nothing against the language but just telling how we humans tag everything into two worlds of male and female.


  1. Pink is unisex, but pink underwear’s are a bit too much ��
    And he shouldn’t have “come on pink” ����


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