Passion or a Hobby ?


 Doodles by Annlet Aju

Have you ever been so much passionate about something?
So damn passionate that you delay & deny sleep and food for it!

Well, I am pretty sure we all have one. Few of us have discovered ours and few of us yet to kindle our self!

For a long time, I had a confusion understanding the difference between what a passion and a hobby is! 'Passion is different from your hobbies. It's not just what you do when you have nothing else to do. Passion is you defining your life doing something.', they say! But my little brain often used these two words as a synonym. I came to understand what exactly a passion is through one of my close friend and yes, she has an interesting passion!

This blog is about my friend Annlet  (Nope, she didn't pay me for this 🤣). I know her since my first year of college and finding her without a sketchbook and pen is like finding tiger milk in the town we live in! ( If you get my reference from Tiger King by Kalki, I think you can picture it well).
She loves sketching. I used to wonder, can anyone be obsessed with anything so much!!!
Be it a train journey, you will find her sketching the grandma in the window seat; be it waiting for food in a random cafe, you will find her sketching the couples who found themselves a private corner far from anyone's attention. ( Nah, She doesn't care about their approval!)Be it a free period in class, be it a rough boring day, be it a happy lucky day, yes you guessed it right! Annlet will be with her Sketchbook!

Initially, being the 'I can't draw a shit ' type of person, I was not able to understand the addiction my friend has. But as her number of sketchbooks kept increasing and I finally flipped through a few of them to discover myself in a magic land of doodles!

Each stroke had a meaning and each curve had a wavery movement, together it painted a beautifully detailed image. Her passion for doodling was so-so real, that anyone could enjoy looking at them, trying to find out secret codes hidden in them.

What inspires her to create such intricate doodles could be a question but when you watch her doodle with her headphones on, her eyes focussed narrowly down to it, right then you find a person who is lost in creating an artistic world of her own!

Her doodles are images and scenes that held strong feelings in her heart. Her interest in Hindu mythology, the fierceness of Theyyam, the beauty in decayed flowers and colourful things that surrounds her becomes her subject to doodle upon. Soon she came to be known as  'The Doodle-muniamma' among our friends. Being a textile design student her passion found ways to showcase itself in her college assignments as textile prints and designs. And her style of doodling created a trademark for itself.

 Annlet is a good singer, she sings for us when we need some entertainment or motivation. She is also a retrophile and a loving innocent soul. Her hobby is to listen to music and sing along while her passion was doodling. I that she was passionate about doodling from the way she explains what doodling means to her. It was as important as oxygen for a soul drowning in water!

A hobby is like a crush you have and passion is that one and only love of your life!
Have you too lost yourself doing something?
Do you find yourself immersed in it that you have a hundred tongues-speaking about it?
You never get bored of it? You never get enough of it?
So tell me what are you passionate about?

Find more of her works on Instagram @Annlet_Aju


  1. My sister is incomplete without her sketchbook :) Thank you for appreciating her beautiful passion ❣️

  2. Well said ... even in car she sketches listening to music. Happy to hear such good words about Ammalu makes us proud too.....😊

  3. This article is breathtaking...the way you portrayed the passion...and the pictures that depicts the doodles...I was a doodle artist during my college days and I can relate it.. but this doodles are really's so nice of you to bring light to these by your words...keep up..looking for more stories from you

  4. Doodling is her times I get totally mesmerized seeing her doodles and whenever I see it I try to unlock the mystery hidden in it...a talent that will never fade away 😍


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