Just like anyone who saw the 10-sec ad launched by Facebook, the Thumbstoppers did grab my attention and conveyed their stories in the best possible way. No wonder they are a huge hit in the internet world now! 

Well, as we know these stories are something we already have heard one or the other way, but what makes the Thumbstoppers stop our thumb from scrolling down our mobile screen is the timespan they have used to convey and create an impact with such intensity.

The Z generation doesn’t have time nor patience to sit through an entire one or two-minute video advertisement. We want it fast, we want it easy. Keep that element of surprise but not till we lose the spark of it! Every brand has a story but youth here aren’t interested in your brand story if it goes never-ending!

I remember those times when my grandma’s stories were the only entertainment when the power cut turns my home into a boring zone. And I believe most of the people of my time would have loved the stories with exaggerated emotions and dramatic endings that their grandmas would have told them.  We had listened to these tales with at most concentration, not missing a second, because you know, golden words aren’t repeated! But kids of these days won’t understand this, they binge on their phones when the power goes down and definitely won’t have enough patience to listen to their granny tell a made-up story! Neither do we, these days!

Remember using a basic cell phone where you have to click a button thrice to get the letter c, remember that phone where the internet speed is buffering? But that world has changed now! We may have patiently waited, but this generation has got us everything in click of a second. The evolution of phones from 2G to 4G has taken away the buffering time, where our eyes fixed on the circle rolled till ‘loaded’ showed up, understanding the value of time. Thus 4G Youth won’t have a 2G Oldman’s patience and attention span. Current studies do state that the human attention span has dropped low, shorter than a goldfish’s.  Understanding this current trend micro-video content is creating a revolution by attracting a bigger market of today’s youth. A great content conveyed in a short span of time can and is creating masterpieces! In just 10 seconds, these videos make people, laugh, think, react! In just 10 seconds it enlightens and empowers. And it’s all done taking just 10 seconds of a person’s valuable time!

With the change in consumer behaviour, advertising agencies have seen beyond the conventional advertising perspective recognizing the shorter attention span of smartphone users and giving them the visual treat in the speed they want, in the ease they want and in every other convenience they want!  And this is why micro-video content has such a large reach and reaction from the public. 
The essence of a story is always in the climax
and if you can’t hold your audience till the end, it's a failure
and that’s where micro-video content
come as a rescuer, creating a revolution!


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